We help you start working in no time
Did you find your dream job in the Netherlands but have a non-EU/EEA nationality? Then you will need a work permit in order to work legally in the Netherlands. All About Expats can help you make this process easy for you and your employer as the hiring company.
If you want to work for a company that is not (yet) a recognised sponsor of the Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) All About Expats can help by taking over the sponsorship. Hiring companies can utilize our payrolling and immigration services by (temporary) outsourcing the employership and sponsorship to us.
This allows you to start your new job carefree and quickly.
How our IND sponsorship service works
You will be employed by All About Expats as an employee, thus fulfilling at the same time the role of recognised sponsorship of the IND. For the duration of the assignment as agreed with the hiring company, you will be seconded exclusively to them.
We will take care of all employer-related matters, the permit application, immigration and settling in the Netherlands and, if applicable the application of the 30% ruling.
Our sponsorship service includes
Sponsorship service
Immigration and settling in
Do you want to work as a highly skilled migrant in the Netherlands? Or are you currently a highly skilled migrant in the Netherlands and you found a new job?
We often find that employers are unfamiliar with the requirements to work with non-EU employees and therefore are restricted from employing you due to unawareness.
This is where we can help.
By using our IND sponsorship service on the basis of a payrolling construction, we take over the complete immigration procedure. We offer comprehensive unburdening of all legal matters, support you with the settling in and if needed your family members as well.
What is included:

More about immigration and setting in
Sponsorship service
Recognised sponsorship
For a highly educated person, the most popular type of visa for working in the Netherlands is the highly skilled migrant permit. In order to obtain this permit, your employer has to be an IND Recognised Sponsor.
If your employer is not (yet) a recognised sponsor or if your employer does not (yet) have a physical establishment in the Netherlands, then outsourcing the recognised sponsorship to All About Expats can offer a solution for you and your employer.
What is included:

More about recognised sponsorship
200+ employers have already selected us as their HR partner for highly skilled migrants.
Sponsorship service
Applying for the 30% facility at the Tax Authorities
The 30% facility is a Dutch tax facility aimed at attracting foreign employees with a specific expertise to work in the Netherlands. If you come to work in the Netherlands, you are possibly confronted with extra costs for relocating, the so-called extraterritorial costs.
By default, All About Expats will take care of the 30% facility application as part of our IND Sponsorship services. After approval by the Tax Authorities, All About Expats can exchange up to a maximum of 30% of your salary tax-free.
What is included:
Contact us and ask about our efficient way of applying for the 30% facility.
Please note: if you use our IND sponsorship services, we will automatically provide the 30% facility service if you are employed via All About Expats. However, we do not offer the 30% ruling as a stand-alone service.

More about the 30% facility