What is an Employer of Record (EOR)?
An Employer of Record is an entity that legally assumes the responsibility of employing workers on behalf of another company. Essentially, the EOR becomes the official employer, handling all aspects of employment, including payroll processing, tax withholding, benefits administration, and compliance with local labor laws and regulations. An EOR’s services can be used whether a company has or does not (yet) have a legal entity in a specific country.
For businesses looking to expand in the Netherlands, partnering with an Employer of Record can streamline the process significantly. By leveraging the EOR’s expertise, companies can enter the market quickly and efficiently without the need to navigate complex legal procedures.
As for companies who do have legal entities in the Netherlands, partnering up with an EOR can allow the same company to hire talent from outside of the EU by outsourcing them all the payrolling and immigration matters.
Working at a Dutch company that is not a recognised sponsor
Expats can work at any company they like without the company being a recognised sponsor. With the help of an employer of record, you can work at any company you wish as they will assist you with your visa applications and residence permits. The Employer of record will be your legal employer while you will be conducting your normal work activities at the hiring company.

IND Sponsorship Service
Do you want to work for a company that is not (yet) a recognised sponsor of the IND?
We can help you with our IND Sponsorship service.
Advantages of an Employer of Record
Using an Employer of Record (EOR) company offers numerous advantages for businesses expanding internationally:
All About Expats: Your Trusted Partner in Global Employment
Among the leading providers of Employer of Record services is All About Expats, specializing in facilitating the employment of expats in the Netherlands, especially those where the company is not a recognised sponsor. With the help of our services that include recognised sponsorship, payrolling, and expert consultation, All About Expats offers businesses and expats alike the support they need to navigate the Dutch job market.

Employer of Record with Recognised Sponsorship
Start working with highly skilled migrants by using our employer of record service in combination with our recognised sponsorship.