As of 2019, 82% of the Dutch population aged 4 and above are engaging in enough physical activity. This means that the average Dutch person participates in daily and weekly activities in order to stay fit and healthy. Sports like fitness and very common across the country which results in an abundance of gym at walking distance especially in the big cities. Team sports are also very common in the Netherlands. Sports like football, field hockey, basketball and cycling are very common in the country as well.


The availability of Gym’s around the country makes it easier and more affordable for the average citizen in the Netherlands to keep fit. There are many fitness companies available in each city in the Netherlands, the most popular ones are Basic-Fit and SportCity.  Many of these gyms offer rewards for first time registrations. For example, discounts on the first few months, free gym backpacks, free gym equipment’s, etc. This allows people to choose a gym according to their own preferences like distance, equipment or price.


Football is the most popular team sport in Netherlands. For that reason, there is a large number of football clubs where you can register in regardless of your experience levels. Each club has a different type of teams that you can join depending on your age, skill and availability. There are also many public football pitches in which you can play friendly games with strangers or with your own team recreationally.


The Netherlands, there is a cycling network of 37,000 km, this is due to the popularity of cycling in the country. On average, the Dutch citizens own 1.3 bikes per person and many other say that cycling is their favorite way of transportation. Biking can be done all over the country due to the availability of the cycling roads inside and outside the cities. There are also a lot of clubs that people can join if they want to get more serious about biking. This will allow them to train their abilities at higher level.


Jogging is also considered to be very popular. It is the sport that many chose to do due to the ease of practice and being one of the best ways to stay fit. There are also many who chose to join jogging clubs rather that jogging alone to stay motivated and keep their energy levels high with the presence of teammates who can motivate them.
Many yearly events like marathons are available in every Dutch city in order to support different causes, in which people are free to participate in.

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