10 steps immigration process to the Netherlands

We offer IND sponsorship for graduates and consultation for students.
Agree with user company / intermediairy.
Provide All About Expats all the necessary information through an online registration form.
Highly skilled migrant enters into an employment contract with All About Expats.
Highly skilled migrant enters into an employment contract with All About Expats.
IND starts the procedure, checks the application and makes a decision.
Jump on a plane and travel to our great country.
A. Highly skilled migrant registers at the council office or expat desk in the city of residence. Housing is usually already arranged by the user company / intermediary.
B. Collect the residence card or endorsement sticker at the Dutch Immigration & Naturalisation Service (IND) or the nearest Expats desk.
Now it’s time to work and enjoy our beautiful country. Feel at home and experience all the beautiful things and people we have here.
After step 8, approximately 5 working days later, the Citizen Service Number (BSN) will arrive.
Now it’s possible to:
Arrange healthcare insurance;
Open a Dutch bank account;
Every Organization can Emply Highly Skilled Migrants
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