Am I subject to the Dutch social security system?

All Highly Skilled Migrants, including their families, who work and live in The Netherlands are in principle subject to Dutch social security system.

Which national insurance schemes apply?

The following national insurance schemes apply to all persons living or working in The Netherlands:

General Old Age Pensions Act (AOW)
The AOW is a basic state pension for people who have reached their AOW pension age. If you live or work in the Netherlands, you will almost certainly be insured under the AOW scheme. AOW pension is paid by the SVB.

General Surviving Relatives Act (ANW)
If a spouse, partner or parent dies this will have financial consequences for the surviving partner and/or children. In accordance with the Surviving Dependants Act (ANW) surviving dependants may be eligible for a surviving dependants’ benefit. Orphans are also eligible for a benefit.

Long Term Care Act (WLZ)
If you need a lot of care or support on a daily basis, for example because of mental or physical limitations, you may qualify for care under the Dutch Long-term Care Act (Wlz).

The Health Insurance Act (ZVW)
Every person who lives or works in the Netherlands is legally obliged to take out standard health insurance to cover the cost of, for example, consulting a general practitioner, hospital treatment and prescription medication. You may also opt to take out additional insurance to cover costs not included in the standard package.

Child Benefit Act (AKW)
Child benefit is money from the government towards the expenses of raising a child. If you live or work in the Netherlands and you have a child or children under 18, you will get Dutch child benefit. Dutch child benefit is paid by the SVB.

Which Employee Insurance schemes apply?

There are several Employee insurances acts. The for Highly Skilled Migrant most important ones are:

Sickness Benefits Act (ZW)
A Dutch law that is implemented by the UWV and ensures that ill employees, in cases where the obligation on the employer to continue to pay during illness does not apply (for example because they are no longer employed), have the right to a benefit.

Work and Income According to Labor Capacity Act (WIA)
The WIA ensures that employees are entitled to an invalidity benefit in the event of full and permanent incapacity for work. Those who are still able to work up to a certain level receive a supplement to their wage.

Unemployment Insurance Act (WW)
The WW insures employees against the financial consequences of unemployment. The loss of income may be temporarily cushioned by an Unemployment Insurance Act benefit (WW benefit). This benefit bridges the period between one job and another.

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